About Me

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Gazing across the vineyards and into the setting sun
inamoured at the colors beaming off the clouds..
Nothing like it is this warm Tuscany afternoon
listening to the breeze blow by and the birds chirp aloud..

She lounges in her cushioned white wicker chair
enjoying her warm red wine and brie
feeling the wind whip through her raven hair
as the grass sways along her bare feet..

Closing her eyes, letting the aroma of the wine
soak into her perceptive taste buds
Allowing her mind to become familiar of memories
from long ago of her lost Italian love..

Although they've never met, the dream of him
is reality to her eager, thriving body.
Simply closing her eyes and being swept away
she feels his fingers run along her face softly.

She falls into a deep sleep amongst orange rays of light
imagining, wishing and hoping to feel his touch
immersing deep into herself, her fantasies,
of what she has craved for, cried long for, so much..

Suddenly in the back of her driftly mind
she hears a mans voice begin to speak
her body, paralyzed, begins to tingle
and her legs begin to shake and grow weak...

She opens her day dreaming eyes and
gazes up to see this man standing before her.
Tall, broad, dark and handsome is this stranger
that only in her dreams had she laid eyes on before..

Not saying a word he kneels down by her side
as tears well up in his big hazel eyes..
He runs his big strong hands through her hair
as they both let out their flustered sighs..

His forefinger runs underneath her puffy eyes
gently drying up her tears that flow..
Not tears of sadness or disappointment
but the ones welling up inside her soul.

He takes her by her delicate hands
and carefully guides her to the shore.
Lost forever in her stargazing eyes
wanting to leave her never more.

The sun has set upon the raging sea
as they dig their toes into the sand.
Two heads leaning up on the others
hoping this moment will never end.

 As their lips lock and become as one
their souls begin to mesh together
wishing what they've always dreamed
will one day  be theirs forever.

The night is long as they stare at the sky
fingers intertwined with one another.
Taking turns wishing upon the Northern Star
to remain , forever, as passionate lovers.

As morning comes she rolls over to her side
and sees that it was all a dream..
No footsteps. No impressions. No sign at all
of her soul mate ever having been at the scene..

She drags her nails along the grains of sand,
sobbing, her mind trying to comprehend
just how something , someone so amazing
can so abruptly come to an end.

She lays her face onto the cool shells below
watching the tide rise to her slowly
Shedding the tears that her heart is making
wanting to relive that moment so holy..

She gets up and walks sadly to her wicker chair
and sits down with her face in her hands
looking down at her painted toes on the ground
and the way the drops of water, on her feet, land.

The oceans breeze sends chills through her skin
as she tries to find a way back to her dream.
To be with the man that she was mean to be with
and all the perfections and emotions that seemed

to have had forcefully taken a hold of her spirit
and had sent her heart and soul in flight.
That one special moment in time
that one sensational and unforgettable night.

She wipes away her saddened tears
as she gets up on her feet once more
choosing to walk one day at a time
along the very spot they shared on the shore..

She believes and prays deep down in her heart
that somewhere out there he, too,
is dreaming of his long lost 'donna'
and one day will be embracing her soon.

-----A. Joleigh

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